Friday, January 30, 2009

getting better!!

TGIF everyone!!! Yeah for the weekend!! Everything is going great here at Purdue. Bella is doing wonderful. She had her first accident in the house today, but it was mine and Ben's mistake for not watching her closely. Other than that....the potty training is going great!! She is starting to like her crate more and more!! She only cried for about 10 minutes instead of the hours she cried earlier this week. She just started to walk on the leash...and it is the funniest thing. She will walk on the leash, until she can't walk any farther and then she turns around and starts pulling. It is so cute!! Teddy and her are getting along better. Although teddy did snap at her this morning because Bella took his bone. I hope they become great friends!! Well time to go and get ready for bed....this mamma is TIRED!!! Having a puppy is like having a baby!!! Good NIGHT!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bella and Bear

Bell Adventures

Benjamin decided to get creative with pictures with bella....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bella Found Her Voice!!!

Bella finally found her voice. We were really excited...until she started keeping us up at night with her barking!!

The Very First Blog....

I just recently figured out how to start a blog and by golly, I am super excited!! Today in good ol' west lafayette, Indiana, we received around 6 inches of snow. Boy was it fun to shovel this morning. If it wasn't for my wonderful and amazing boyfriend, I would have been stuck inside the house all day. I decided to take a personal snow day today, since none of my professors called off class. I am not walking in 6 inches of snow to go and learn about mythology. I spent most of the day catching up on sleep and also playing with my new puppy, Bella!! Yes, Ben and I brought another member into our family. She is an 8 week old yorkie!! We are absolutely crazy about her!!! Ben and I decided to name her Bella because it means "beautiful" in italian and she is one beautiful puppy. We now have 2 yorkies, Teddy and Bella, and we hope to add one more puppy in the future!! Well thats all for now!! Stay warm everyone!!!

Jan. 27, 2009 The Beginning!